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ardent for Life

Ardent For Life Magazine
Healthy Recipes for the New Year
Holidays and celebrations are filled with delicious and indulgent ingredients that may you leave you not feeling your very best, which is...

Ardent For Life Magazine
Gluten-free Buttercream Red Velvet Cake
The holidays are a wonderful time to cook delicious meals and special treats with loved ones. I’m not a baker myself, but my niece is...

Ardent For Life Magazine
Frybread is a flat dough made with simple ingredients, then deep-fried. Frybread is truly one of the most versatile breads you can make.

Ardent For Life Magazine
Autumnal Treats
As I gently protest, the heated end of summer drags me into the warm autumn months that will prepare me for my winter “hibernation.”

Ardent For Life Magazine
Preserve It While It’s fresh!
By Cindy Della Monica, Cheesemonger and Owner of Cheese Central in Lodi, CA.

Ardent For Life Magazine
I had a wonderful and exhilarating vacation this year with my family. We had a real European vacation…in Paris.

Ardent For Life Magazine
Local Blogger Ashley Newell
Wife, Mom of three, Crafter, Foodie, and Social Media Consultant. These are just a few of the many “hats” worn by local Blogger Ashley Newel

Ardent For Life Magazine
Summer Noodle Salads
Pasta, you are so lovely; when I envision your beauty… I see Italy. Mountains, amazing architecture and art that is glorious beyond belief.

Ardent For Life Magazine
A Cheesemonger’s Summertime Sweet Treats
Summer days are soon here, making me dance with joy as I dream of long daylight hours and deliciously warm days. MY interpretation of “warm

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