Recipe by Zina Sheya Designs
Photos by Sara Joy Pinnell

Brussel sprouts (about 12)
2 tsp. Olive oil
Diced pancetta
1/2 Red onion, sliced thin
2 tsp. Balsamic vinegar
Slivered almonds (roasted)
Pomegranate seeds

Cut Brussel sprouts in half, place in a cast iron pan, toss in diced pancetta, and ½ small red onion, sliced thin. Lightly coat with olive oil, then drizzle with 2 tsp. balsamic vinegar. Toss all together, sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Place in a 400⁰ degree oven. Roast until medium to dark brown, and is desired tenderness. I like mine on the darker side, because it takes the bitterness out of the Brussel sprouts.
Note: Onion will be caramelized and Brussel sprouts will be slightly caramelized. Stir once or twice while roasting- Approximately 20-35 minutes. Remove from oven, place into a serving bowl. Top with slivered almonds, and sprinkle with pomegranate seeds.
Cutting Into a Pomegranate
Step 1: Cut the crown of the pomegranate off
Step 2: Cut six vertical slices around the pomegranate
Step 3: Pry open the pomegranate. Make sure to work over a bowl of water, to catch the falling seeds.
Step 4: Remove the middle membrane knob. You are now ready to deseed. Work your way through each slice by prying away the peel from the seeds. When you are done your seeds should be on the bottom of the bowl and the white flesh should be floating on top. Scoop out the flesh and drain the water.
For questions or design needs contact Zina Sheya Designs at

Zina Sheya
Has been in Interior design for 18 years. Award winning and featured in multiple publications. She is the owner of Zina Sheya Designs.
This story first appeared in the Ardent
for Life Holiday 2017 issue.